According to my boss, the ID space is the no. 1 area of concern for IT managers at present. Well it certainly is for me as I have to come up with a single-sign-on solution (where only my sweat, blood, and tears is required as payment) for a mix of php web applications.
I'm new to this blogging game, but as I see it the general premise to share one's knowledge and experience in a dynamic context with the hope of getting a book deal out of it one day. With that in mind, I'm going to document the experiences (that might help others) in my quest for a SSO solution to mine/the company's needs.
Just kidding about the book deal btw! ;-)
Now first off I'm looking at the OpenSSO project the source code of which is based on the code base of Sun's System Access Manager product. In fact it would appear to be just like System Access Manager - except it is harder to install.
OpenSSO do supply some installation instructions but to an average developer like myself they definately come up short. Essentially OpenSSO can be deployed just like any other web application as a war file. The problem for someone like myself who is only aiming to make a shallow analysis of the offering no war file is provided; the war file has to be compiled from the source code and this theme continues through out the cumbersome install process in an almost recursive fashion.
The install process
1. Create user account on for
2. Download the source from cvs
Using Tortoise CVS on Windows
- create folder to hold source code.
- right click and select "CVS Checkout"
- create cvs root: :pserver:
- select module opensso
- insert
- the cvs tool (Tortoise in this case) should then download the source to the designated folder
3. Download dependencies
- I came accross more than one build guide for the project but this version seemed to be the most useful, especially when it came to getting all the dependencies. There will certainly be an element of parroting here...
- rightly/wrongly the dependencies for the project are not stored in cvs; the upshot of which
is all the dependencies must be aquired and placed in the directory opensso\products\extlib. There are 20 dependencies (jar files) required.
- Install Sun's Java EE jdk.
After installing the jdk, in the install directory. For me this was c:\Sun\AppServer\lib
The jars required from here are: j2ee, mail.jar
- Install Sun's Web Services Developer Pack v2.0
Note: installing Glassfish is likely to be a valid alternative
Taken from the aforementioned install guide the following jars should be copied
- jaxb-api.jar :- Download the BerkleyDB code from here. Select version 4.2.52/jaxb/lib
- jaxb-impl.jar :/jaxb/lib
- jaxb-libs.jar :/jaxb/lib
- jaxb-xjc.jar :/jaxb/lib
- jaxrpc-impl.jar :/jaxrpc/lib
- jaxrpc-spi.jar :/jaxrpc/lib
- jaxrpc-api.jar :/jaxrpc/lib
- activation.jar :/jwsdp-shared/lib
- relaxngDatatype.jar :/jwsdp-shared/lib
- xmlsec.jar :/jwsdp-shared/lib
- xsdlib.jar :/jwsdp-shared/lib
- saaj-api.jar :/saaj/lib
- saaj-impl.jar :/saaj/lib
- FastInfoset.jar :/fastinfoset/lib
- jsr173_api.jar :/sjsxp/lib
navigate to
create and save file build.xml with the following content:
destdir= "${build.classes}"
excludes= "**/debug/*.java">
includes ="**/*.class">
With this build file use ant to build and package the project.
Copy the resultant jar file db.jar
Download the Mozilla Directory SDK project here
Extract and navigate to
use ant to run target dist-jdk. The build will return some warnings about version in compatibility, but the jar should be output to
add the resulting jdapjdk.jar
navigate to
With a bit of luck it should produce a war deployable in a web application container like Tomcat.
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